Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Film Fuji Con Polaroid 600

Lightning brings warmth

Some people associate a blue color with "water body".
That sounds brutal and is, particularly when it comes to underwater photographs of other people, not by the cold hand to show.
this occasion was on my second test with a digital camera under water, the solution of this problem in the center. Each
ambitious underwater photographer is known that one can address this problem with underwater flashes when forming aperture, shutter speed, flash power and distance optimal recording unit.
Unlike my very first test, where I photographed at the "P" mode with automatic exposure, I chose the second test, a fixed aperture of 6.3, so not only in TTL mode ein schwacher Aufhellblitz die weichen Hauttöne des Models streift.
Die Belichtungszeit regelt sich bei eingeschalteten TTl-Blitz auf eine 1/60 sek. ein.
Um bei Aufnahmen vom der Totalansicht des schönen Models die Aufnahmeentfernung zu optimieren, stand mit mit dem digitalen NIKKOR 18-70 mm eine digitale Brennweite von 18 zur Verfügung.

Für die Portraitaufnahmen verwendete ich das analoge NIKKOR 28-70 D mit Brennweiten von 50 bis 70.
Beim Blitzen verzichtete ich vorerst auf die Verwendung von Streuscheibe oder Diffuser, um schrittweise zu eindeutigen Testergebnissen zu gelangen. Aus diesem Grunde kam auch noch kein Zweitblitz zur Aufhellung der Schlagschatten used.

All recordings are produced in RAW format and in color matching digitally. But where the original recording does not store warm colors (image)

the trick most post-processing can conjure up no later these colors.

Best regards Günter wishes

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Used Wedding Decorations For Sale

makes emergency creative!

We welcome consumers can predict the expiration date of the digital cameras bad. I only know that my old Olympus E 10 "after 5 years has passed.
spare parts for a defective electronic part, by the manufacturer no longer available. All expensive accessories for this camera were good only for "Ebay".
Will I take digital photographs under water, it needs a suitable case, in addition to flash housing and change ports for different lenses.
I buy me something for a new digital camera, I can not be sure that the electronics after 5 years again adopted and offered by the manufacturer with its spare parts
strategy of only buying the successor model.
also uncertain whether this new model again fits in my underwater housing.
The prices of these new cases are about three times that of the case for analog cameras increased.
In times where the state held regular raids into our private purse can not afford the most, such a risk.

Necessity is the mother of invention! - Say an old adage internationally valid.

At a cost of about 15, 00 € material costs and about 14 hours of work I
tinkering myself a digital Nikon D 70s in one of my underwater housing, which previously housed an analog Nikon F 70th The same was achieved with the installation of a Nikon flash SB 800th
The best thing is, I can use a single underwater housings for both cameras.

How are you, I have on my website: / digitalanalog.php described.
The attached photo was taken at the first technical test on 10.29.2007 from an "introductory action" of the Abyss Diving School Meissen. At this point, once again my sincere thanks to Karsten Wiche, which allowed me to test this action in the water park wave game Meissen. Other photographic tests on the digital photo experience, I will write in this blog. Anyway, I'm taking the day before.
Regards Günter