Sunday, February 27, 2011

Toddler Diarrhea Creamy

Review 3 on chocolate workshop

Now there is the rest of the pictures from
Workshop on Wednesday. Once there were the chocolate lift ,
and the second project we have gewerkelt small Birdhouse for the golden balls or other treats.
There were also several variations - the roofs of different colors
different background, etc. At first my


Here the bird house the participants :

It was all fun and if it is not already so late and
would , and they would have tinkered for a long time. But the next workshop
is so determined!

Oh by the way - has a demo you so many advantages, including one gets the mini catalog may
just a month earlier, and as of Tuesday
order (for customers, he shall apply from 1 April).
see if you could, I have seen ... oh man, my wallet
will be fairly empty and your maybe ....
The tension mounts!! But you have to wait another month, except
will you still fast even demo, then ....